Heart moments and embracing what is. [p3]

Heart moments and embracing what is. [p3]

Life is a beautiful journey. We have ups and downs and all human emotions – sometimes in one day. I’ve found so much peace in embracing what I am experiencing, finding the lessons, and living in faith and gratitude. Today I invite you to believe that everything works out for you and look for that evidence.

This is the final part 3 of the ‘fly on the wall’ saga. I’m sharing from my heart what my day was like. My hope is that you will find your own insights and inspirations as you read. Seeing how mindset and emotional tools play into everyday life and make it so much more rich and joyful.

If you are just finding us, here is the rest of the story:

Part 1: http://blog.learnlivefly.com/2022/08/22/a-tale-of-a-mothers-first-day-of-school/

Part 2: http://blog.learnlivefly.com/2022/08/24/when-delays-detours-lead-to-blessings-becoming

(part 3)

1:20pm Arrived at the waiting tree behind the school.  Listening to “You Carry Me” by Moriah while I journal more.  I’m really liking this system.  I hope to duplicate it often.  My soul thrives with nature time and working in my office in front of a screen gets old fast — even when I have super awesome passion projects to work on.    It is my desire to enjoy as much nature as possible in the next couple months before it’s freezing here.

We meet under the tree and chat about the day. It was a great first day of school. My mother heart rejoices.  We bike home and play Cheyene’opoly’ with my oldest.  We received it as a gift from the Airbnb we stayed at on our trip and had been waiting for the right time to play it.  Cucumbers and carrot stick snacks were available for everyone as they got home.

Over the next hour, the other 3 kids made it home.  We had our banana splits while we talked about school as promised.  Sadly, we forgot the oldest needed to go to work and felt the void as we continued on.  Everyone had a great first day of school.  This is a big win!

Investigated and purchased the Inventioneers App. It’s cool, check it out! (kids/teens who like science/creation/fun… I even like it – it gets their brains activated in creative ways)

Getting school supplies changed into finding things on the Walmart app and scheduling a pickup, then adding groceries to save me another trip.  It’s booked for tomorrow at 7am. I’ll pickup after 3 kids go to school and while the 4th is getting ready.

Dad home and resting.  No solid dinner plan. We have buffet.  It is delicious.  Some have creamy chicken veggie noodle soup, one has burritos, some ham and cheese quesadillas, the last bundle of sweet potato fries and I sauté some spinach.  Everyone helps clean up. The kitchen is mostly clean. I’ll finish the rest at 6:30am just before devotional with my high schooler.

*note: “buffet” means I pull out all the things we need to eat in the fridge and everyone gets what they want. It’s ‘first come, first pick’ and you can keep coming back till you are done or it’s gone. I love it.

Scripture time together so some can go to bed.  Oldest gets home.  Nachos & gospel study.  Visit with hubby. Update the school schedules to easily go on the fridge for reference.  A few minutes to connect with my husband and express love.  Embrace hard conversation and rejoice that life is better together and no one needs to do it alone.  Plan for how to improve in future conversations. 

Notification that the Rubik’s cube bag I bought to surprise child 4 was delivered.  Walk the dog around the block.  Visit with a neighbor friend for a few minutes. Find the package in the mailbox.  Take it in. Said child is thrilled!  Cuddle and read on the couch since dog is lonely/whining while child 3 is showering.

Continue reading in bed. Hugs/kisses/night prayers.  Lavender on the feet, behind the ears, and along the spine to encourage restful sleep.  I journal again.  

This is the most I’ve sat and journaled in a very long time.  I like doing it in chunks throughout the day.  I feel like it keeps my mind and heart clear and focused on the task at hand.

Updating my calendar now, then off to bed.  I am determined to get into a good routine of early to bed, early to rise.

Note: I fell asleep on the couch in the office journaling.  Woke up about 45min later and went to bed.  I still got there before 11pm- WIN!

(the end of this series)

This has been a fun journey for me and I hope it has for you as well.

Comment below and let me know what ‘Ah-ha’ moments you had as you read. The inspirations, the promptings, the cool things you do that we should all know about.

I’d love to hear about your day – reply to my emails.

Have a glorious day!



Livia is a wife, mother, mentor, author, and passionate creative. She loves to inspire individuals to really LIVE and not just be alive. She has simple powerful tools and processes that she uses to stay in faith, joy, and gratitude even in the most challenging of circumstances. She believes that transformation can happen in an instant. Her mission is to share all she has learned and help people fortify their minds and hearts to thrive! She lives by faith and experiences miracles daily. Livia is the founder of the Consecrated Life Project (TheConsecratedLifeProject.com) where she shares stories of faith to help others in building a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ and letting Him lead their lives. She creates inspirational products and programs that wake up the mind, inspire the soul, and support divine creation. Livia is passionate about transformation, connection, nature, essential oils, and music that inspires! *I share things I believe in. Some of the links are affiliate links, others are not. I appreciate you purchasing from the links included here. You pay the same (or less) and I get a small payment that helps support my small business. You are the best!

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